Good environmental practices

Caution with fire. It is only allowed to make fire in authorized places, paelleros of recreational areas as long as they are not sealed. Avoid smoking, do not leave a trace. A cigarette butt takes years to disappear.

For your safety, any organized group must inform the office of the Natural Park of the Sierra Calderona of the activity they are going to do. They will inform you of the specific regulations regarding the regulation of activities (hiking, mountain biking, climbing, equestrian, caving…).

Camping is only allowed in authorized areas and only after prior authorization from the PROP (Call: 012).

It helps the economy of the municipalities of the Sierra Calderona Natural Park, for example by buying in local stores.

We are responsible for the protection of the natural environment now and for future generations: preserve the flora and fauna. Let the sounds of nature surround you, enjoy without making too much noise.

Pets can frighten and disturb wildlife and other visitors, so always keep your pet on a leash.

For everyone’s safety, enjoy the natural area by cycling only on forest trails and respect the right of way of pedestrians. So that you can enjoy the scenery and ensure the safety of visitors, the circulation of all types of vehicles is limited to 30 km/h.

The Special Protection Area is the most valuable thing we have, collaborate in its conservation and do not circulate with a motor vehicle if you are not authorized.

Protect your past. The historical heritage belongs to all of us; try not to alter it.

Leave no trace, in the natural environment there is no frequent garbage collection service, take your waste with you and we will prevent wildlife from scattering the garbage.


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