A unique legacy
And discover the magic of nature

Visit Olocau
Prepare your getaway to Olocau, a destination where its hiking trails will take you to places full of beauty and history. Get your backpack and boots ready!

"Discover magical moments, amazing landscapes and unique services in Olocau".
Olocau is full of history and very involved with its roots, giving the importance that corresponds to the Iberian past of the municipality. For this reason, free guided visits are made to the site of Puntal dels Llops, a watchtower of the fifth century BC that functioned as a defense of the Edetano territory. Also, in honor of the Iberian period, the Iberfesta is held in June. An event not to be missed!
We also find the Castillo del Real, mentioned in the Cantar del Mio Cid. It is a fortress of the 11th century with a privileged location, where you can see magnificent views of the Turia plain.
Nor can we forget the Church of the Rosary and the monumental complex of the Casa de la Senyoría and Torre de Pardines, an old noble house of the eighteenth century and a tower of Muslim origin from the thirteenth century, declared of Cultural Interest. The Olocau Tourist Office and the Puntal dels Llops Museum Collection are located here.
But there is much more to see in Olocau, especially in its natural environment. The thematic routes through the Natural Park will surprise you with their charm and attractiveness. From the Geological Route and the Route of Rodeno and les Amitges, perfect for hikers with skill and experience, to simpler ones such as the Route of the Macollades and the Route of Puntal dels Llops.
Olocau will surprise you from the first moment. The first image you will have when you arrive will be the small white old town, surrounded by forests and located under a large reddish rock of reddish color. This is the rock of Alí Maimó, one of the most characteristic mountains of the municipality and that give it a unique landscape. This rock has a white spot painted in lime known as La Piga, an emblem for the olocauinos and olocauinas.
Come to Camp del Turia and enjoy this experience, Olocau is waiting for you!